The course gets split up in basic R and advanced R users for the morning.
has some bash capabilities and replicates all data which is being processed internally
stores variables in their data represention which is kept in the RAM; rather than just keeping the “formula” (like Python does)
is not really connected to bash; “enter R
, close the door to bash”
needed for installing packages
rm(a) - remove variable
gc() - clean RAM (garbage collector)
<command> - get help on command (with examples)
?q() - quite R
system("pwd") - run system command
=read.table("filename") - read something from outside into R into data frame
data.framestr(data.frame) - show structure
$ - indicates another level, e.g. landuse04$landuse
head(data.frame) - show head of data frame
object.size(dem) - show byte size of data frame
$X=as.character(dem$X) - change data type of 'X' in 'dem' data frame to character
demsave(landuse04, file="~/landuse2004.Rdata") - save data frame as file
save.image() - save whole workspace
rm(list = ls()) - remove everything in workspace
plot(landuse$fallow.Fallow, landuse$vineyard.Vineyards) - crude plotting
1:3 , 3:10] - access data via indices; first value pair = rows; second value pair = columns landuse[
-- install raster package, load it, load file and plot the raster
-- raster is being kept in file instead of memory
@ - sub-level indicator for raster images
Victoria O’Brien - an introduction to sentinel satellite data
Sentinel 1 - radar data, continously collecting data, 6 day cyle
Sentinel 2 - visible data, multispectral, resolution: 10, 20, 60 meters, 5 day cycle
data is kept by multiple organizations
ESA SNAP - software for exploring, processing and classifying remote sensing data
copernicus emergency management system; e.g. rapid flood mapping, forest fires, etc.
rbind(presence,absence) - join two tables
table(points$PA) - count occurences of attribute
- handle missing values (omit, fail, etc.)
na - combine values into list or vector c
sp-package is quite useful for spatial operations
general idea for distribution modeling (sort of): get predictor, standardize, make tables, construct model with predictors
is available in GRASS text modegrass70 -text ~/ost4sem/grassdb/europe/PERMANENT - start GRASS in textmode and load location 'europe' in 'grassdb'
r.info --ui - runs the r.info function (info about a layer) and starts the GUI dialogue for it
g.copy rast=potveg_ita@Vmodel,pvegita - copy within GRASS
g.remove -f type=raster name=pvegita - remove raster dataset
g.region -p - get current region
g.region n=6015390 e=5676400 s=3303955 w=3876180 res 1000 save=scandinavia --overwrite - set new region
g.region res=20000 -p - change resolution
g.gui tcltk - bring up GUI (possible arguments for GUI wxpython,text,gtext on this particular machine)
g.list type=rast -p - list all raster maps (-p for pretty printing)
# We can open a monitor and display a raster
g.region rast=fnfpc
d.mon start=x0
d.rast fnfpc
# and do the same thing for theother maps in different monitors
d.mon start=x1
d.rast fnfpc_alpine10k
# get input into GRASS
r.in.gdal input=~/ost4sem/exercise/basic_adv_grass/inputs/lc_cor2000/hdr.adf output=landcover
Tom Jones, EO specialist, Catapult Satellite Application
current time is disruptive in terms of satellite imaging; many factors are changing quite dramatically, so fast moving technology companies have real adavantage
since 2013 rapid increase in downloads of Landsat scenes
remotely monitored road conditions are one example for future applications
OS software in the field: OpenCV, SciLab, RGISLib, SNAP, GDAL, scikit learn
Proprietary software: IDL, eCognition, ArcGIS, FME,
random bits: Jupyter notebooks, sklearn
python module, ARCSI
CLI pre-processing for remote sensing images, ShepherdSegmentation
algorithm for clumping, tuiview