As I was looking into getting some pictures from my phone to the local machine, I stumbled upon a quite annoying bug in Ubuntu 14.04 which seems to prevent a stable connection to share data between devices. I use Ubuntu (besides #!) mostly for some multimedia or plug-n-play stuff. So this is quite annoying. Luckily the #! community is crafty and came up with a solution for those doubting their sanity using tools like bluez
or blueman
which don’t seem to work extraordinarily reliable.
sudo apt-get install gvfs-bin
sudo apt-get install gvfs-fuse
sudo hcitool scan
.. Scanning ...
.. xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx YourPhone
gvfs-mount obex://[xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx]
This will mount your device to ~/.gvfs and you can just do all the stuff you normally do on a filesystem; e.g. copy all pictures:
cp -avrn ~/.gvfs/YourPhone/scdcard0/DCIM/100DSC/ /home/user/images/
Unmount with gvfs-mount -u obex://[xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx]
or just turn off bluetooth on your phone.